Thursday, May 12, 2005

I received an email today. It bugged me, a lot. It was an an email with an innocent question, yet holds a thousand underlying meanings. It hurt me a lot, because it was as though the sender has no idea how I would feel about it. My life does not revolve around that person, but they think so. But then again, I don't think the question was asked under my behalf. I and confident that it is not me he is concerned about, but her. Not that I blame him, but must he be so un-subtle about it? It's not fair! We are blood-related, and she is not! But must he think until this way? I hate it! Hell, I know that they are together and so on, but to this extent? Arrgh, it makes me mad just to think about it! Not fair! Unfair! I hate it! I feel like crying again thinking about it..Sigh. Life's not fair I suppose. Maybe I should not be Let things go. Come to think of it, I don't think I want to get involved anymore. I'm so tired of this....

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