Timeless Truth Mask, also known as TT Mask, caters for all skin types (like most facial masks do!) and each facial mask has a series of specific benefits tied to it. To find out what masks would suit my skin needs the best, a simple survey was set. Based on this, I was given three Instantaneous Brightening & Cooling masks to review.
The official letter and the goodies! I was so excited when I had finally gotten this package! :D
The Instanteneous Moisturising & Brightening mask helps moisturise, whiten, and gives the skin a smoother look and feel. Oh, and it also refreshes and cools your skin! How cool is that? :D
A closer look to the product description! True enough it did fit nicely on my face contours :D
At the back of the mask, you'll find the usual - Ingredients, caution, directions, manufacturing date, etc.
And now it is time to apply the mask on my face! Mwahahahaha
Behold my sleepy and after-work stressed face! Well, with the mask applied that is hahaha
I couldn't resist snapping a photo of this! I suppose it is just for the heck of it, after I had applied the mask on my face hahaha :P This is the plastic sheet that backs the actual mask itself :)
Now that the photo session is over, now it is time for my verdict.
The first thing that came to my mind was it was indeed cooling to the skin, as the product had promised! Remember I had mentioned before how I used to stick my facial mask packets into the fridge beforehand for that cooling effect? Well, for this mask, there is no need to do that! I love the cool tingly feel that the cooling essence had on my skin x3
The scent was not too strong, which was good. It had a mild pleasant smell that was easy to the nostrils! I had forgotten all about trying to figure out what the scent is like because I was too distracted by the awesome cooling effect on my skin! Hahahahaha oh well
Although this was not part of the benefits, I'd say that this mask is superb if you would like to curl up and relax for the next 20 minutes. Seriously, I felt my entire body relaxing and I actually slept with my mask on! No, it is not a good example to set so please don't follow my lead here.
When I had removed the mask, I noticed that my skin became smoother and more supple. Also, I looked less haggard (but that's probably cause I slept and the mask was like an awesome relaxing pill for my face!) and cheerful somehow hahaha. No pictures cause silly me had forgotten to snap photos of that :(
Overall Verdict
Price: 4/5
Effectiveness: 5/5
Value for Money: 5/5
So, would I purchase them in future? You bet I will! Maybe I should throw an all-girls sleepover face mask party one day with TT Mask products! :D
For more information, do head over to TT Mask's Facebook page or their website if you'd like to purchase some of these terrific masks for yourself.
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