Viva Las Vegas was a blast, in my opinion. Sean and I arrived 'fashionably late', as one might say, and it caused me a great deal of amusement and stress at the same time. You see, we were supposed to be there by 7pm in order to collect our table reservation; unfortunately I was not able to arrive there in time (heck, Sean only arrived at my place at 7pm!) so you could imagine the amount of calls and texts I got from my friends wondering if any of us are there yet to pick up the table reservation (we were all stuck in a massive traffic jam! Well, it WAS a Friday evening after all) then. Hahahaha. Needless to say, it was all well and good, and we arrived there just before the whole event had begun.
I had a bit of trouble collecting my tickets initially though; there were some mishaps and errors, but it all went well in the end. To those of you who were anticipating me in a cabaret outfit, my deepest apologies. I too wanted to arrive to that prom with my initial outfit plan, but sad to say, it was not done in time. So desperately, I ransacked my wardrobe and pulled out my old typical formal occassion outfit - my LBD. Needless to say it's a classic I've been pulling off since two years back (the first time I wore this dress was at my cousin's wedding in Singapore) with a couple of added extra features. Add a wig (cause being me, I was just too darned lazy to style my hair properly) and a pair of elbow-length black gloves, and voila! Instant Black Lady.

My friends and I. From left: Bong, Yvie, me, Nabila, Shannon, Tereessa and Iylia
Ambience was good, lighting effects was AWESOME. Seriously, I'm in awe with the latest laser LED lighting effects! The emcee actually had a moment where the lighting style had a chance to show off its awesome skills that made us go "ooooooh" and "aaaaaaah" a lot! xD Performance-wise, seriously awesome. Dennis, I'm in love with your dancing hahahahaha. Then again, I rarely do watch dance shows/competitions, do I? I think the first time I actually saw a dance competition seriously was BattleGround on Astro and that was cause my mum pulled me into it to sit down with her and watch the show LOL. I think that was back in 2008 hahaha. Aside from that, I liked Love Gun's performance too, as well as the final act(I think it was called Wandering Symphony).

Tereessa and me. I insisted on getting at least a photo with her hahaha =]
We basically spent our time trying to chit chat (hell the performance was LOUD and the hall was we chatted when we could?) while enjoying our food and watching the performance. I got terribly amused over Iylia (sorry girl, but seriously! xD ) cause she was terrified of hitting my wrist by accident (my broken, currently recovering off-cast). But I understand all the same =] thank you for being considerate, though I did insist I was not utterly and invalid ^^; but hey, I got a good advantage; I had my friends serving me dinner! Yay me xD
I also met up with Susan, Clary and Chris of the MooVe Crew, which yes, they were the first three I met when I stepped foot into the hall! Yay me!! It was so nice to meet them back again after so long hahaha. Snapped a photo with Sean onstage (which reminds me, I gotta head to college some time next week to collect that photo) but sadly, no nice photo of the both of us for now *sighs*
Apparently, Lesley was also looking for me but omg oi! I didn't even know you were going to come!! Hahahahhaa. She came up right behind me and smacked me on my back. Her seat was right behind me LOL. And she barely recognized me, which is...good? Hahahaha. Yes I know I looked different; obviously I will LOOK different from work lmao. I would never wear that much makeup for work like I did for prom okay? Hahahahahaha. She was there as a camerawoman to record the MooVe Crew's performance (among the rest of the performance) and so, yes, she was there hahahaha.

Yvie and me ^^v
Halfway along the night I suggested we head out and start snapping photos like we did last year (camwhore to the max haha) especially with Wern Sern. To those who didn't know, Sern wanted to snap a couple of photos with us girls. Rather like a mini-harem for him hahaha. So we agreed. This year, we dragged him to pose with us. Heh heh heh. Here's the photo comparison of last year and this year:
2009 (A Midsummer Night's Dream; Level 14 Manhattan Ballroom, Berjaya Times Square Hotel)

Snapped this photo using my camera phone lol sorry for the bad photo. The original photo is a hardcopy and I don't have a soft copy of this one :) From left: Shannon, Tereessa, Sern, me, Yvie
2010 (Viva Las Vegas; Tropicana Golf and Country Resort clubhouse)

This time, Iylia is in the picture! Yay her! Girls from left: Tereessa, me, Iylia, Shannon, Yvie.
I think that photo is my favorite among the rest of the silly shots we took together hahaha. Well, it's all for fun anyway xD and yes, it was indeed great fun getting that mini shoot session done =P come to think of it, dammit I should have called Sean out to snap photos with me too *sighs* Now all I gotta do is wait for Lesley to upload the photo of me and him on facebook! Hahahahaha.
And since there are a few of you guys who asked me questions like, "So how long did it take for you to style/set/perm your hair that way?" or "How much did it cost for you to style/set/perm your hair for this prom ya?", well, it cost me RM65....without the hassle of heading off to any salon whatsoever! IT IS A WIG! Hahahahaha...the perks of being a cosplayer =P though sadly, it wasn't the initial wig I wanted to use lmao. Thought of going as a silver-haired babe but....hahahaha dangit plans changed so yeah. I had a lot of change of plans the day before prom. Goes to show how badly my indecisiveness is displayed lol.
So all in all, I truly had fun at prom this year. This might be my last prom in this college after all, and I'm really glad it ended with a bang. Kudos to the prom committee who made this prom a rousing success; you made it and you know you succeeded tremendously! It was nice seeing back all those faces I haven't seen for a long while now. So once again, Glitz&Glamour Ball committee, a huge thanks to you :)
Themed layout: Simple and smart; not too overdressed yet it brings out the themed look very well
Activities: Though I wasn't there earlier, I heard it was a blast! Pity I wasn't there in time for that
Performances: A.W.E.S.O.M.E. need I say more? =D
Emcee: Kudos to Justin for being a great emcee. Not bad, really, considering the crowd isn't quite so much of a communicative bunch (sorry, even me too hahahahaha)
Food: Hey, I don't care what others say, I LOVED THE FOOD. There was butter prawns, spaghetti, fried noodles, tender succulent beef, chicken, etc *swoons* hey there was even coffee and tea!
Service: O.M.G. I seriously loved the service I had gotten there! Can you believe it, one of the waiters actually gave me a nice glass of iced water halfway during a performance just when my throat was about to die from screaming and shouting so much (hey, I can't clap so I cheer out loud to give my support!) and I didn't even ask for it! Many thanks, kind sir! Even Sean was surprised and laughed about it xD Thoughtful waiter, you have my thanks!
Committee: Helpful all the way! Even those whom I do not recognize hahaha. Thanks for the help whenever I got so blur and lost about what is going on. You guys did a great job!

I tried on Yvie's hat by the end of the day, and loved the effect!

One more photo for the heck of it =P
By the way, credits to these lovely photos are to the respective photographers, Ivan Kong, Yvie, and Tereessa =]
I had a bit of trouble collecting my tickets initially though; there were some mishaps and errors, but it all went well in the end. To those of you who were anticipating me in a cabaret outfit, my deepest apologies. I too wanted to arrive to that prom with my initial outfit plan, but sad to say, it was not done in time. So desperately, I ransacked my wardrobe and pulled out my old typical formal occassion outfit - my LBD. Needless to say it's a classic I've been pulling off since two years back (the first time I wore this dress was at my cousin's wedding in Singapore) with a couple of added extra features. Add a wig (cause being me, I was just too darned lazy to style my hair properly) and a pair of elbow-length black gloves, and voila! Instant Black Lady.

My friends and I. From left: Bong, Yvie, me, Nabila, Shannon, Tereessa and Iylia
Ambience was good, lighting effects was AWESOME. Seriously, I'm in awe with the latest laser LED lighting effects! The emcee actually had a moment where the lighting style had a chance to show off its awesome skills that made us go "ooooooh" and "aaaaaaah" a lot! xD Performance-wise, seriously awesome. Dennis, I'm in love with your dancing hahahahaha. Then again, I rarely do watch dance shows/competitions, do I? I think the first time I actually saw a dance competition seriously was BattleGround on Astro and that was cause my mum pulled me into it to sit down with her and watch the show LOL. I think that was back in 2008 hahaha. Aside from that, I liked Love Gun's performance too, as well as the final act(I think it was called Wandering Symphony).

Tereessa and me. I insisted on getting at least a photo with her hahaha =]
We basically spent our time trying to chit chat (hell the performance was LOUD and the hall was we chatted when we could?) while enjoying our food and watching the performance. I got terribly amused over Iylia (sorry girl, but seriously! xD ) cause she was terrified of hitting my wrist by accident (my broken, currently recovering off-cast). But I understand all the same =] thank you for being considerate, though I did insist I was not utterly and invalid ^^; but hey, I got a good advantage; I had my friends serving me dinner! Yay me xD
I also met up with Susan, Clary and Chris of the MooVe Crew, which yes, they were the first three I met when I stepped foot into the hall! Yay me!! It was so nice to meet them back again after so long hahaha. Snapped a photo with Sean onstage (which reminds me, I gotta head to college some time next week to collect that photo) but sadly, no nice photo of the both of us for now *sighs*
Apparently, Lesley was also looking for me but omg oi! I didn't even know you were going to come!! Hahahahhaa. She came up right behind me and smacked me on my back. Her seat was right behind me LOL. And she barely recognized me, which is...good? Hahahaha. Yes I know I looked different; obviously I will LOOK different from work lmao. I would never wear that much makeup for work like I did for prom okay? Hahahahahaha. She was there as a camerawoman to record the MooVe Crew's performance (among the rest of the performance) and so, yes, she was there hahahaha.

Yvie and me ^^v
Halfway along the night I suggested we head out and start snapping photos like we did last year (camwhore to the max haha) especially with Wern Sern. To those who didn't know, Sern wanted to snap a couple of photos with us girls. Rather like a mini-harem for him hahaha. So we agreed. This year, we dragged him to pose with us. Heh heh heh. Here's the photo comparison of last year and this year:
2009 (A Midsummer Night's Dream; Level 14 Manhattan Ballroom, Berjaya Times Square Hotel)

Snapped this photo using my camera phone lol sorry for the bad photo. The original photo is a hardcopy and I don't have a soft copy of this one :) From left: Shannon, Tereessa, Sern, me, Yvie
2010 (Viva Las Vegas; Tropicana Golf and Country Resort clubhouse)

This time, Iylia is in the picture! Yay her! Girls from left: Tereessa, me, Iylia, Shannon, Yvie.
I think that photo is my favorite among the rest of the silly shots we took together hahaha. Well, it's all for fun anyway xD and yes, it was indeed great fun getting that mini shoot session done =P come to think of it, dammit I should have called Sean out to snap photos with me too *sighs* Now all I gotta do is wait for Lesley to upload the photo of me and him on facebook! Hahahahaha.
And since there are a few of you guys who asked me questions like, "So how long did it take for you to style/set/perm your hair that way?" or "How much did it cost for you to style/set/perm your hair for this prom ya?", well, it cost me RM65....without the hassle of heading off to any salon whatsoever! IT IS A WIG! Hahahahaha...the perks of being a cosplayer =P though sadly, it wasn't the initial wig I wanted to use lmao. Thought of going as a silver-haired babe but....hahahaha dangit plans changed so yeah. I had a lot of change of plans the day before prom. Goes to show how badly my indecisiveness is displayed lol.
So all in all, I truly had fun at prom this year. This might be my last prom in this college after all, and I'm really glad it ended with a bang. Kudos to the prom committee who made this prom a rousing success; you made it and you know you succeeded tremendously! It was nice seeing back all those faces I haven't seen for a long while now. So once again, Glitz&Glamour Ball committee, a huge thanks to you :)
Themed layout: Simple and smart; not too overdressed yet it brings out the themed look very well
Activities: Though I wasn't there earlier, I heard it was a blast! Pity I wasn't there in time for that
Performances: A.W.E.S.O.M.E. need I say more? =D
Emcee: Kudos to Justin for being a great emcee. Not bad, really, considering the crowd isn't quite so much of a communicative bunch (sorry, even me too hahahahaha)
Food: Hey, I don't care what others say, I LOVED THE FOOD. There was butter prawns, spaghetti, fried noodles, tender succulent beef, chicken, etc *swoons* hey there was even coffee and tea!
Service: O.M.G. I seriously loved the service I had gotten there! Can you believe it, one of the waiters actually gave me a nice glass of iced water halfway during a performance just when my throat was about to die from screaming and shouting so much (hey, I can't clap so I cheer out loud to give my support!) and I didn't even ask for it! Many thanks, kind sir! Even Sean was surprised and laughed about it xD Thoughtful waiter, you have my thanks!
Committee: Helpful all the way! Even those whom I do not recognize hahaha. Thanks for the help whenever I got so blur and lost about what is going on. You guys did a great job!

I tried on Yvie's hat by the end of the day, and loved the effect!

One more photo for the heck of it =P
By the way, credits to these lovely photos are to the respective photographers, Ivan Kong, Yvie, and Tereessa =]
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