A lovey moment between Sebastian and Alexandra :)
Let's talk on doll for today. It won't be a short post, and yet, it won't be a long one either. I know some of you do not know still what dolls do I mean. No, I don't mean Barbie Dolls. Nor do I mean any ragdolls that we used to huggles at night to bed :) The dolls that I meant are Ball-Jointed Dolls.
So what's a Ball-Jointed Doll? Well, it is pretty much self-explanatory I suppose. They're resin-made dolls that have more mobility than a normal plastic doll. One interesting thing to note about these would most probably be the versality to modify them as you please; and that they are pretty much realistic in terms of physical appearance. More than once even I have been fooled as I viewed photos.
These dolls allow the possibility of interchangeable parts such as hands (the latest one would most probably be the jointed hands for the bigger dolls...I suppose) and body, interchangeable eyes (you gotta buy them separately though!), wigs (so many colors, shapes, materials..designs), and so many more! In other words, you have a little model in your home!
In my case, my girls allow me to be creative with them by prototyping props, accessories, and even clothes for them! You'll be surprised as to how much fun it can get just to accept the challenge of downsizing everyday items that we never tend to notice just for them. This whole challenge and concept helps us to improve our crafting (and sewing!) skills...plus it helps us save up more rather than to spend them online on the same items found in shops! Hey, if we could level up our skills, why not venture forth and sell them online as well? :) So yes, the possibility is endless haha.
Some may find us crazy for liking these dolls, but I say, they're ours and we like them. I understand if you find them creepy; hey I do too at times when I find the dolls disturbing! But please try to understand as well that words carry barbs. Without care, you could easily hurt us with them.
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