This post is long overdue, I know. My apologies for this, cause recently I've lost my mood to blog (among other activities). Anyway, last month on the 26th and 27th of February, I had attended a Beauty & Fashion Studio workshop organized by Maxis as a guest blogger. Now when I was asked if I could attend this workshop, my first dismayed thought was, "Whoa, TWO days on weekend?" cause well, it's a weekend! Hahahaha so I felt like I was back to work, 7 days on a row or something. Got to admit though, in the end I find it quite worth it =)
The poster that greets us the moment we stepped out of the elevator; Amber Chia and Dato' Anna Lim poses to say Hi? Hmmm.....

Yep, a folder to fill up with our scribbled notes that we'll doodle/jot down as the seminar goes on...and on.....and on.....

Daphne Iking! I think this is my second time meeting her (I can't remember what happened during the first time though, I'm not too familiar with local celebs in the first place so I can be pretty blur in general! Hahahaha).
Her presentation was all about how to speak better in public; or to be more precise, the arts of Public Speaking. Not bad, she knows how to keep the audience captivated (even though she rambles, which she keeps on smacking herself for doing so!) and her points were quite noteworthy too. Unfortunately what she had presented to us, I have already learnt from my former lecturer in college, who was an excellent teacher in the arts of Public Speaking (kudos Dr. Steven, you sure made me learn how to speak properly!) but it was still entertaining and a walk down memory lane recalling those tips and pointers about how to speak in front of an audience!
All about Fashion...and Trends. Our charming presenter for this particular session is none other than Keith Kee. He taught us how to distinguish the cool, warm and earth colors in our fashion, and how to mix and match appropriately without looking too 'far-out'. Some lucky audience also got to get up there on stage and learn how to pick the best accessory/jacket/piece of apparel to change their look from Day to Night. Was an interesting talk, that's for sure.
We also had a talk with Ben Ibrahim about impromptitude speaking - in other words, how to speak spontaneously. In the entertainment industry, one often needs to act out or speak impromptu when there's last minute changes and no script at hand. So he taught us some basics about it (though he stressed a lot on the fact that it's always best to be prepared beforehand). Let's say we're given a topic to speak on at the very last minute, take some minutes off and quickly Prepare your speech, Plan what you need to convey to the audience, and finally, how to Engage with them without leaving them in tears of boredom.
How to walk like a model.
Err yes, I think I pretty much failed at this. The key to it, according to Benjamin Toong and Amber Chia, is to walk straight and confident without looking too robotic. Suffice to say, we were taught the 'hard' way on how to walk confidently. Here's what we did:
1. Find a wall and stand straight against it. Make sure your shoulders and heels touch the wall.
2. Remain in that position, and walk forward; imagine you're walking on a tightrope (basically walk in a straight line)
3. Your elbows should be slightly bent inwards and swing them gracefully to match your steps.
Sounds easy? Nah, not as simple as it sounds. It took us roughly 5 rounds to get the basics of it....somewhat. It was fun though!
Oh yeah, Benjamin's awesome platforms that made us go OOoooooh and me going OMG I WANT THAT SHOES!!!! 8-inch platforms with GORGEOUS details on the platforms

Wine tasting! I had fun tasting both white and red wine. Oh before this awesome session, we had two more sessions about Social Skills (body language, eye contact, tone of speech, etc) and Dining Etiquette (what's the correct order in dining, and what cutlery is meant for which meal, etc).

The awesome white wine that we sampled. It tasted slightly citrusy and tangy, with a sweet taste of grapes to it. This is one wine that I really do like!

The red wine with white. I was not too fond of the red wine; the sharp taste of spices and heavy oak was a bit too much for me at first sip. Nevertheless, it grew to me as I continued sipping this glass of rich red wine.
Thomas Guildimann, the speaker that presented the wine tasting session, told us about the process of wine-making, and the insane calories we used to down each time we take a glass of beer, whisky, or even Coca-Cola! He too, taught us how to match our wine with our food, especially Asian food (since well, English food's eash; red wine to red meat and white wine to white meat, bla bla bla).
That was the end of Day One; tiring but inspiring. Hey, I could say proudly that I have actually learn quite a number of things in one day, particularly in learning how to pose and walk (hahaha I sound like an airhead now). Coming up next: What happened on Day Two :)
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