Thursday, July 06, 2006

This is getting ridiculous! I rarely update my blog now! The insanity!!!
Anyways, I had my Moral Ed class today. Our lecturer separated me and my pals cause we were to split into different groups. And our topic was religion.What a *nice* topic.Hah! My group was kinda blur, some of them even don't know what to do. Ah well, I've helped them. What is it with me and being such a softie??? Hmmm...but then again, to help them doesn't make me a softie, right? After all, we ARE in a group, even though their fumbles won't affect me.
Our subtopic was Taoism. And we were given approximately half an hour to collect information regarding this topic. Huzzah to us. *waves flag dejectedly* Spent that half an hour in the computer lab,scribbling furiously on my book for important points. Turns out only me and another girl had the notes. The rest, well, they had some, but they don't know what they were writing *sighs* So I wrote down the mind map (lecturer demanded for one from each and just explain their points and what they should present when our group was called forward. I'm glad some of them knew what to say, but the others...well, let's just say I knew their points more than them themselves *shrugs*
Oh well...overall I think we did great! I feel sorry for the guy in our group though, he fumbled and forgot his points. So our lovely lecturer gave him a 1 out of 5. But what is done is done.Can't be helped....

So what else should I crap about today? Hmmm...oh, yeah! I've added Yue, Dot, and Sabz into my blog! go check them out! I'm sure they'll update their blog more often than me anyways...hahahaha...

In case you're all wondering who are they, they are actually my group mates in college. Yeap, they are.hahaha. Perhaps I should post a picture of us together but I'm being a lazybum all over again so perhaps later, huh? ahahahaha....

Okay, I think I'll stop crapping. I won't be posting any pasts here. Cause if I do, this post will be very very and extreme LONG!! ahahaha....

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