Sunday, October 01, 2006


What a day!
First and foremost, I would like to wish Iluna happy belated birthday once more, and thank him for inviting me to his birthday party. I had fun! ^^
So what happened to me today? A few things, really. One of them was I FINALLY HAD GOTTEN HOLD OF MY COSTUMES!!! weeeee.....I'm in love with my Kairi's costume!! Black Lady's one is okay, but the slits are scaring me right now *shies away* Kyuu-san and KumaChan kept snapping pictures of me in that costume! Too sexy? Oh yeah!! *blushes*
Well, spent my time at auntie's house watching Kyuu-san and KumaChan trying out their costumes. Kyuu-san looked like a pregnant lady in her costume, and KumaChan's coat was so damn nice! Then Killua and Daigoro came, and Killua tried her Anastasia costume. She looked so cute! Love her costume! Pity her Tifa's costume looks kinda stiff =/
After that, at about 5pm, we all left auntie's house and Killua and I headed off to Iluna's house. I pulled Killua along cause I didn't want to get lost alone! Hahahaha...But I was glad I did all the same. Iluna was happy to see her there *smiles*
Met Naoko(GLOMPZ!), Onigiri(hughug), zymz, ren, rrj, yukina(hughugz), axel, kidchan, tokiya, and soooo many more people!! I'm glad I went, instead of succumbing into the temptation to NOT go. Haha. Was fun to chitchat and go bonkers with them. It was really really fun, and not like the times I had parties with my school friends.
Left Iluna's house at about 7pm, sending Killua to the KTM station first. Went home, changed clothes, bundled up my clothes from my wadrobe into my car, and left to go to my new house. To think my cupboard was supposed to arrive today...IT DID NOT!!! Aarrrrrrghhhh~!!!! No matters, I can wait till Monday.

Oddly, though. I felt satisfied today. Why is that? I'm not entirely sure, but somehow I felt happy...and accepted...when I'm with them (CF-ers). Again, why? I wish I knew. But when I'm with them, I feel as though I can be me, and not holding a mask of pretense, as I do in college. I might have friends in college, but sometimes they can be hypocrites. Sad, but true. I have no true friend in college, I'm sad to say. But I am not disheartened by that fact. No, I'm not, really. I feel disgusted because I have been the receiving end of broken promises and insufferable egoists. I have had enough. If this is what is meant by having friends in college, then I do not wish to have any at all in college. So let me be a lifelong spinster with a grumpy attitude, see if I care! I'd rather have friends who care and cherish me for who I am, and not just a 'part-time-spare-part'. Believe it? It happened to me more than once...

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