Basically our purpose for this trip is to wholesale a LOT of different items back home; in my case, I was looking for materials mainly for cosplay and my beading stuffs (which is truly like a heaven there). On our first night, we headed off to Siam Paragon (a shopping mall) and walked around for food and...well, window shop :P

The array of cookies for sale, in these really lovely Disney cookie tins!!

A closeup on Stitch (and the price tag hahahaha)

Thais love Stitch? I see him everywhere!! Hahahaha. This cake is from the same shop as the cookies xD

Coke Zero. Me liiikkeeeeeeeeeee *w*b

Okay so my dinner for the first night was...Tom Yum Goong, which means Tom Yum Seafood. Not bad, and a whole lot of ingredients in the soup!!

Snapped this photo for the heck of it hahaha. This was my breakfast in the service apartment then. Unlike your typical buffet counter, this cafe gives you a menu to choose from several different sets (mainly the eggs style) and that is your heavy meal. Other food served off the buffet table are light snacks such as bread and all. Oh and of course, coffee and fruit drinks are free flow :D

Headed to Cha Tu Chak Market, and this was our lunch!! The tomyam here is...weird :x didn't really enjoy it T_T

I...forgot what this dish was called. Kerabu mango I guess? It was not bad :D

My sister's favorite stall!! Hahahahahahaa. This is also in Cha Tu Chak market, at one of the main roads (I like calling it the main road cause the pathway is waaaaaaaay wider than the ones within the categorized stalls)

This is a close up as to what you should really try. Tom Sabb!! It's really nice too *w* but if you don't like spicy food, it's not recommended hahaha

So later that night, we headed back to Siam Square for dinner, when I noticed a LOT of people holding these tumblers like they had just came out from the cinema. So we decided to investigate; and we saw these sets!!!

which is so OMFG right?? Popcorn containers!!! With matching tumblers!!!! I wish we have these here as well ;w;

Yes da hur hur...we bought them!! Couldn't resist in the end hahaha. The cauldron is so adorable, don'cha think *w*


Snapped this photo for the lulz of it. Ohai females used as advertising gimmick 8D

You know how we couldn't resist interesting food...hahaha this is actually fried quail eggs on a bed of cabbage, but hey, the novelty's there!! The yolk was soft and runny too x3

Oh yeah, remember the Tom Sabb from earlier? Same stall, only I got the mango pulut. I love this dish so much now hahahahaha

Oh yeah, I actually saw this fried potato online in one of the websites, and got supremely tempted to try I did!!! *w* it was yummeh! Hahahaaha though I wish my fried potato was not that cold ;A;
And so, after hours of going through stall by stall, category by category....This was our haul:

Day One. Hey this section is only MINE. Hahahaha. Nice penguin hat, yes? 8D

Day One: My sister's friend's haul!!! Now that is a lot of clothes! LOL
Day Two: My haul! Yes, it's mainly felts and furs and beading kits hahahahahahahaha
Overall I had fun. Don't mind going back there again to get more items to bring back here. Goodness knows they actually have more materials available there than they have here anyway *sighs*
Lame post I know, sorry hahaha. I'll just let the photos do most of the talking *smirks*
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